
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years

Gaco roof and deck coating

Gaco West­ern has man­u­fac­tured high-​quality water­proof­ing prod­ucts for home­own­ers, do-​it-​yourselfers, and pro­fes­sional con­trac­tors for more than 50 years. A Seat­tle fam­ily owned com­pany, Gaco West­ern has always adhered to three fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples; supe­rior prod­ucts, sold by experts, at com­pet­i­tive prices. Their coat­ings cover mil­lions of square feet on com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial build­ings around the world. They are well-​known and trusted in the con­struc­tion indus­try as a pro­ducer of top-​quality water­proof coat­ings, seal­ers, primers and insu­la­tion products.

GacoRoofreg-mark — The Last Coat­ing You’ll Ever Need

Gaco roof coating

If your roof is hav­ing trou­ble stand­ing up to the ele­ments, it’s time for GacoRoof 100% Sil­i­cone Roof Coat­ing. GacoRoof will min­i­mize nature’s toll on your roof. The Sil­i­cone roof coat­ing is highly resis­tant to sun­light, ozone, rain, snow, per­ma­nent pond­ing water, and tem­per­ate extremes. Because GacoRoof is a mois­ture cure prod­uct, it actu­ally uses the humid­ity in the air to accel­er­ate the cur­ing time. GacoRoof Sil­i­cone will stay flex­i­ble and main­tain adhe­sion, even under per­ma­nent pond­ing or snow pack.

50-​year lim­ited war­ranty.
• Do-​it-​yourself in a day.
• Eas­ily applied to vir­tu­ally any sur­face.
• Reduces energy costs.
100% sil­i­cone with­stands per­ma­nent pond­ing water.
• Great for flat roofs, low-​pitched roofs, metal, com­pos­ite, mobile homes, RV’s and more.
• Never needs recoat­ing.
• Can be applied over wide temp. range (32°F to 120°F).
• Just roll on two coats of GacoRoof and you’re done!
• Avail­able in 9 col­ors, as in chart below.
• Col­orant can be added to the White.

When it comes to per­ma­nent pond­ing water and weath­er­proof­ing, GacoRoof Sil­i­cone roof coat­ing will out­per­form all other coat­ings, includ­ing acrylics, ure­thanes, asphalt and Hypalonreg-mark. GacoRoof’s 50 year lim­ited war­ranty guar­an­tees that your GacoRoof coat­ing will last the life­time of the sub­strate where it is applied, as long as it is applied accord­ing to instructions.

Gaco roof coating colors


Once you have sealed your roof with tough and long-​lasting GacoRoof, you can put it out of your mind. GacoRoof was designed to stand up to what­ever the ele­ments dish out.

  • Lasts longer than acrylics, ure­thanes or asphalts.
  • High-​resistance to weath­er­ing, sun­light and oxidation.
  • Supe­rior resis­tance to stain­ing, mildew and dirt.
  • Reflec­tive white sur­face resists ozone and UV rays.
  • GacoRoof’s 50 year lim­ited war­ranty guar­an­tees that GacoRoof coat­ing will last the life­time of the sub­strate where it is applied, as long as it is applied accord­ing to instructions.

Gaco roof coatings

GacoDeckreg-mark — The Easy Water­proof­ing For Your Deck

Gaco deck coating

If you have ever said to your­self, “there must be an eas­ier way to water­proof my deck…” you just found it!

GacoDeckreg-mark allows appli­ca­tion of a high-​quality water­proof deck sys­tem over ply­wood, con­crete, metal, fiber­glass, and painted sur­faces (metal and fiber­glass sur­faces require a primer). The GacoDeck sys­tem pro­vides last­ing sur­face pro­tec­tion and water­proof­ing, plus a skid-​resistant sur­face that cleans up eas­ily. One GacoDeck kit will cover 100 square feet.

Unlike other sys­tems, the GacoDeck sys­tem water­proofs rooftop decks over occu­pied liv­ing space.

GacoDeck is a durable acrylic coat­ing that cre­ates a fully-​adhered water­proof mem­brane which expands and con­tracts along with the sub­strate. GacoDeck is per­fect in hot or cold cli­mates as it is a high-​quality coat­ing that does not soften in the heat or become brit­tle from cold.

GacoDeck coat­ing will also pro­vide an attrac­tive, skid-​resistant sur­face on decks, boat docks, and stair treads, or on wheel chair ramps and walk­ways. For these appli­ca­tions, GacoDeck func­tions as a durable, easy to clean surface.

50 year lim­ited war­ranty.
• Turns a flat roof into a deck.
• Pro­vides a skid-​resistant sur­face.
• Cov­ers ply­wood, con­crete, metal, fiber­glass and pre­vi­ously painted sur­faces.
• Meets ADA rec­om­mended stan­dards.
• Avail­able in 6 col­ors.

GacoDeck Avail­able Colors

Actual sam­ple col­ors below may vary slightly due to com­puter mon­i­tor set­tings. When prod­uct is applied, color may also be affected by appli­ca­tion tech­nique, sur­face tex­ture, and light­ing conditions.

Gaco deck coating colors

For more infor­ma­tion or to view the online instruc­tional video, visit www​.gacore​tail​.com.