
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years

APF new logo very very small

(Epoxy Floor Coat­ings, Con­crete Stains, Garage Floor Coat­ings, Dec­o­ra­tive Color Chip Floor­ing,
Slurry Broad­cast Floor­ing, Con­crete Seal­ers, Metal­lic Coat­ings, and more)

Logo Small

Ari­zona Poly­mer Floor­ing spe­cial­ize in high per­for­mance epoxy pro­tec­tive floor coat­ings and seal­ers, as well as dec­o­ra­tive con­crete sys­tems. Stop by for more infor­ma­tion on APF and sam­ples of their prod­ucts, and also visit their web site at www​.apfe​poxy​.com.

APF ColorChrome metallic floor finish

Col­orChrome™ Metal­lic Floor­ing Sys­tems is a high-​performance resinous floor­ing sys­tem pro­vid­ing dura­bil­ity and ele­gance in 20 shades. Col­orChrome sys­tems use a metal­lic mica pig­ment that can be dis­persed in a vari­ety of binders to cre­ate seam­less floors with a dec­o­ra­tive, three-​dimensional appearance.

These sys­tems are per­fect for a wide range of dec­o­ra­tive floor­ing prod­ucts,” said Daniel Owen, pres­i­dent of APF. “Unlike many com­pet­i­tive prod­uct lines, the Col­orChrome palette extends beyond the typ­i­cal earth tones, offer­ing users more vari­ety and oppor­tu­ni­ties for creativity.”

Col­orChrome can also be used on coun­ter­tops and we just installed Col­orChrome on two of our countertops:


Col­orChrome is avail­able in two systems:

  • Col­orChrome Metal­lic Sys­tem: This designer floor­ing sys­tem uti­lizes high-​performance epoxy and polyurethane resins. It’s excep­tion­ally durable and long last­ing, offer­ing a range of three-​dimensional appear­ances vary­ing from soft and sub­tle to strik­ing and vivid.

  • Col­orChrome FC Metal­lic Sys­tem: This fast-​curing designer floor­ing sys­tem uses high-​performance polyas­par­tic and polyurea resins. Sim­i­lar to the Col­orChrome Metal­lic Sys­tem, it’s excep­tion­ally durable and long last­ing, offer­ing a range of three-​dimensional appear­ances vary­ing from soft and sub­tle to strik­ing and vivid. How­ever, it’s also UV-​stable, mak­ing it appro­pri­ate for out­door appli­ca­tions too.

Col­orChrome sys­tems are ideal for din­ing areas, restrooms, bars and night­clubs, retail estab­lish­ments, auto­mo­tive show­rooms, com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial inte­ri­ors, garage floors and other instal­la­tions requir­ing a dis­tinc­tive fin­ish. Fea­tures and ben­e­fits include:

  • Seam­less surface
  • Abra­sion resistant
  • Chem­i­cal resistant
  • Eas­ily cleaned
  • High-​quality aesthetics
  • Qual­i­fies for LEED projects

We installed Col­orChrome in Espresso in our Color Kiosk area in our old space - before and after:


Color Chrome finished floor

Dec­o­ra­tive Color Chip

There are four Dec­o­ra­tive Color Chip Systems:

Gran­i­tex High Build Sys­tem
A high build vinyl paint chip sys­tem designed for use on com­mer­cial and light indus­trial floors such as auto­mo­tive repair facil­i­ties, retail loca­tions, restrooms and warehouses.

Gran­i­tex 1 Day Fast Track Sys­tem
A vinyl paint chip sys­tem based on polyaspartic/​polyurea coat­ings that allows for rapid instal­la­tion and return to ser­vice. This sys­tem can be installed in one day and is ready for vehic­u­lar traf­fic in 24 hours.

Gran­i­tex 2 Day Sys­tem
A vinyl paint chip sys­tem based on epoxy, acrylic and polyurethane coat­ings that allows for two day instal­la­tion. This sys­tem may be installed over damp concrete.

Gran­i­tex Light Broad­cast Sys­tem
An eco­nom­i­cal vinyl paint chip sys­tem based on epoxy and polyurethane coat­ings. This sys­tem offers a durable low cost floor for res­i­den­tial garages and light com­mer­cial applications.

Exam­ples of 3 dif­fer­ent col­ors in the High Build System:

Chip Flooring

Dec­o­ra­tive Poly­mer Concrete

Cem-​Rez fam­ily of prod­ucts is one of the most com­plete con­crete resur­fac­ing lines avail­able on the mar­ket today. This over­lay sys­tem offers the ulti­mate com­bi­na­tion of beauty, dura­bil­ity, and design free­dom. Spe­cial latex poly­mer mod­i­fiers pro­duce a ver­sa­tile cemen­ti­tious mate­r­ial with improved strength, adhe­sion and flex­i­bil­ity over con­ven­tional con­crete. The mate­r­ial can be trow­eled, sprayed or stamped to pro­duce fin­ishes with end­less color and tex­ture pos­si­bil­i­ties. Cem-​Rez prod­ucts can even be used to cre­ate con­vinc­ing sim­u­la­tions of brick, tile or stone.

Archi­tec­tural Con­crete Sealers

Unlike plain con­ven­tional con­crete, archi­tec­tural and dec­o­ra­tive poly­mer con­crete is nearly always sealed with a clear mate­r­ial. Seal­ing is done to pro­tect the dec­o­ra­tive work, improve clean­abil­ity and enhance the appear­ance. They have a wide selec­tion of seal­ers, but the most pop­u­lar ones are:

  • APF Acry­seal Sealer Sys­tem. Used as a sealer over a wide vari­ety of sur­faces. Fast dry­ing, low cost, easy to use. Excel­lent adhe­sion to most cemen­ti­tious sur­faces. Avail­able in gloss or satin. Inten­si­fies col­ors in dec­o­ra­tive sub­strates. Mod­er­ate per­for­mance in high foot traf­fic or vehi­cle areas. This sys­tem will give the con­crete a wet look.

  • Poly 250. Two-​component, sol­vent based primer/​sealer for use over all archi­tec­tural con­crete sur­faces – espe­cially effec­tive over acid stains. Out­stand­ing adhe­sion to chal­leng­ing sur­faces includ­ing min­i­mally pro­filed con­crete and fully cured polyester-​urethanes. Com­pared to sol­vent acrylic seal­ers, gives supe­rior gloss, exte­rior gloss reten­tion, clean­abil­ity and wear resis­tance. This sys­tem will give the con­crete a wet look.
  • Poly 250 /​Poly 100 Sealer Sys­tem Two-​component, sol­vent based primer with a two-​component high solids sol­vent based aliphatic polyurethane. Suit­able for use over all types of archi­tec­tural con­crete sur­faces. It pro­vides supe­rior chem­i­cal and abra­sion resis­tance. This sys­tem has a long track record of suc­cess in high traf­fic com­mer­cial appli­ca­tions such as casi­nos, restau­rants and retail estab­lish­ments. This sys­tem will give the con­crete a wet look.
  • Poly 501. This is a high solid, two com­po­nent, water-​based aliphatic polyurethane. Poly 501 gives hard, durable coat­ings that fea­ture good gloss, easy clean­abil­ity and supe­rior abra­sion resis­tance. Resis­tance to yel­low­ing from U.V. light is excel­lent. For exte­rior appli­ca­tions, a spe­cial U.V. absorber pack­age can be incor­po­rated to ensure long-​term chalk resis­tance and gloss reten­tion. Poly 501 has been devel­oped as a high per­for­mance fin­ish coat for var­i­ous seam­less floor­ing, coat­ing, and archi­tec­tural con­crete appli­ca­tions where odor can­not be tol­er­ated. It is the ideal top coat for areas that require max­i­mum gloss reten­tion, ease of clean­ing, and resis­tance to foot traf­fic. It is also suit­able for con­crete counter tops and garage floors.