
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years

Penofin — The World’s Finest Wood Finishreg-mark

Penofin Wood Finish

Penofinreg-mark fine wood fin­ishes began over 30 years and have always been com­mit­ted to the envi­ron­ment. Penofin are a family-​owned com­pany that proudly man­u­fac­ture in the USA. They use Brazil­ian Rose­wood oil har­vested from seed, care­fully gath­ered, and then pressed and puri­fied. This nat­ural base cre­ates a stain that pre­serves wood longer. This approach does not harm the envi­ron­ment and, best of all, the trees that drop the seeds are never cut. The oil is the essen­tial ingre­di­ent in Penofin, and no other wood-​finishing prod­uct con­tains this unique oil.

Penofin Cover

Penofin formed the first trans­par­ent stain to gain a 90%-plus ultra­vi­o­let pro­tec­tion. This break­through retards oxi­da­tion in wood, cre­at­ing new ways to pro­tect wood.

Penofin is per­fect for decks, sid­ing, fences, gaze­bos, log homes, antiques, floors, coun­ter­tops, fur­ni­ture, docks, boats, cab­i­nets, and all other exte­rior and inte­rior wood applications.

Below are details on their exte­ri­ors — Blue Label Penofinreg-mark, Ultra Pre­mium Penofinreg-mark — and their interior/​exterior Penofinreg-mark Verde. We stock the Blue Label Penofinreg-mark in quarts, gal­lons and fives and are able to order their other exte­rior and inte­rior prod­ucts on request.

Bar­bara Newell of Penofin states: “All of our prod­ucts adhered to our num­ber one goal: pro­tect and reveal nature’s beauty. Period.”

Penofin Deck

Penofin wood finish samples

To help you find the per­fect color for your wood, we have free sam­ples, a color ruler that you can place over your wood, and fan decks.

Penofin wood finish color chart

Penofin Wood Finish features & benefits

Fea­tures & Benefits

Brazil­ian Rose­wood Oil

Strong, flex­i­ble, water-​resistant oil that helps Penofin out-​penetrate all other stains, tak­ing the nour­ish­ing for­mula deep into the wood, even dense hard­woods. Allows the wood to retain its flex­i­bil­ity and cre­ates no sur­face film.

Tran­sox­ide Pigments

Penofin pro­vides up to 99% ultra­vi­o­let pro­tec­tion. These pig­ments also pen­e­trate into the wood pro­tect­ing it from the inside out from the sun’s dam­ag­ing rays. It adds a rich, trans­par­ent color to enhance the nat­ural beauty of wood, high­light­ing the grain.

High-​Grade Mildewcide

Penofin added the best qual­ity mildew pro­tec­tion avail­able any­where to deter the insid­i­ous growth on wood.


Penofin’s for­mula pen­e­trates deep into the wood. Other coat­ings lay on the sur­face and wear away after a few months. Because Penofin is a low-​solid for­mula, it pen­e­trates, pro­tect­ing wood beneath the sur­face. Test any other wood fin­ish against Penofin with the “blot­ter book” test instruc­tions and see for your­self! Another ben­e­fit to Penofin’s low-​solid for­mula is that you will never have to worry about lap marks. This makes appli­ca­tion fast and easy for everyone!

Prod­uct Per­for­mance Warranty

Penofin fin­ishes are war­ranted to per­form when applied to wood sur­faces accord­ing to label instruc­tions. Expect 2 to 5 years on ver­ti­cal sur­faces, 1 to 2 years on hor­i­zon­tal sur­faces, depend­ing on use and weather expo­sure. Penofin rec­om­mends pre­serv­ing the beauty of your hor­i­zon­tal sur­faces by recoat­ing every 9 to 24 months.



Blue Label Penofinreg-mark exte­rior fin­ishes were for­mu­lated to safe­guard the nat­ural beauty of wood and to pre­vent dis­col­oration from the sun’s ultra­vi­o­let rays. Penofin resists and retards bleed­ing, caused by nails. Two key ingre­di­ents con­tribute to Penofin’s excep­tional abilities:

  • Brazil­ian Rose­wood Oil pro­vides tough, deep-​down mois­ture pro­tec­tion while still allow­ing the wood to “breathe”. There is no sur­face film to trap mois­ture, chip, or peel.
  • Micro­scop­i­cally fine, tran­sox­ide pig­ments inhibit ultra­vi­o­let dam­age and dark­en­ing. They add deep, rich color with­out hid­ing the nat­ural beauty of the grain.

By pre­cisely com­bin­ing these and other ingre­di­ents, Penofin have cre­ated a line of trans­par­ent oil wood fin­ishes unmatched in dura­bil­ity and beauty.

Penofin Blue Label oil wood stain

Blue Label Penofinreg-mark

penofin-blue-label-color-chart• The “work horse” of the Penofin prod­uct line.

90% ultra­vi­o­let pro­tec­tion from tran­sox­ide pig­ments vir­tu­ally elim­i­nates fad­ing due to sun­light. (Clear offers 65% ultra­vi­o­let protection).

• Brazil­ian Rose­wood Oil that deeply pen­e­trates to pro­tect against moisture.

• Easy one coat appli­ca­tion and maintenance.

• Avail­able in 10 trans­par­ent tones, includ­ing 3 mist tones: Nan­tucket Mist mim­ics the look of weath­ered barn wood; Pacific Pearl Mist adds a whisp of white; and Men­do­cino Mist adds a hint of slate grey. (To test for color, please come in and ask for free sam­ples as the col­ors above vary on dif­fer­ent wood species).


Ultra Pre­mium Red Label Penofinreg-mark

was cre­ated to meet the demand for an exte­rior wood fin­ish that out­per­forms all other trans­par­ent stains. The Ultra Pre­mium Red Label is per­fect where rain, wind, snow or high ele­va­tions are encoun­tered. The for­mula in Ultra Pre­mium Red Label is the result of exten­sive test­ing, and the use of the high­est qual­ity ingre­di­ents. Penofin wins the “Bat­tle of the Stains” pen­e­tra­tion tests over all com­peti­tors, and gives longer life to wood of any species.

Ultra Premium Penofin wood finish

penofin-red-label-colorsUltra Pre­mium Penofinreg-mark

• Ultra Pre­mium for­mula for extra per­for­mance.
99% ultra­vi­o­let pro­tec­tion pro­vides pro­tec­tion against fad­ing.
• Extra pro­tec­tion against mildew.
• Brazil­ian Rose­wood Oil that deeply pen­e­trates to pro­tect against mois­ture.
• Pig­ments won’t fade, turn chalky or wash off.
• Easy one coat appli­ca­tion and sim­ple main­te­nance.
• Ten trans­par­ent tones as above. (Please ask for free sam­ples to see the true color on your wood surface).


Penofin Verde petroleum-free oil finish


Penofinreg-mark Verde
is the first of its kind. Verde is a 100% sus­tain­able, petroleum-​free oil fin­ish with no heavy metal com­pounds, no odor, and no offen­sive fumes. Verde (Ital­ian for green) is zero-​VOC and is com­pletely safe for use around chil­dren and pets.

only the high­est nat­ural oils (sus­tain­ably har­vested Brazil­ian Rose­wood Oil, the finest Tung oil, and all nat­ural veg­etable and soy resins) are com­bined with select veg­etable ester sol­vents and zero-​VOC pig­ments, result­ing in a lus­trous fin­ish that is as durable as it is beautiful.


Penofin zero VOC wood stain

penofin-verde-color-chartPenofinreg-mark Verde

• Interior/​exterior for­mula.
99% Ultra­vi­o­let Pro­tec­tion.
• Zero VOC and no odor.
• Brazil­ian Rose­wood Oil.
• Easy one coat appli­ca­tion with sim­ple main­te­nance.
• Safe for use around chil­dren and ani­mals.
• Penofin Verde is avail­able in 18 lus­trous col­ors and 3 new mist tones for every type of wood species.

penofin wood stain preparation


Penofin Pro-tech cleanerPenofinreg-mark Pro-​Tech Cleaner
The best out­door cleaner for just about every­thing, this unique for­mula uses Super Hydro­gen Power to tackle just about any clean­ing job around your home. Mix these con­cen­trated gran­ules in vary­ing strengths to effec­tively remove grease, dirt, organic stains, tree sap and min­eral deposits. For use on wood, masonry, con­crete. fiber cement, fiber­glass, out­door fur­ni­ture, cush­ions and floor cov­er­ings, glass and tile.

• Cleans and reju­ve­nates wood.
• Removes organic stains, dirt and grime.
• Easy to apply.
• Biodegrad­able; safe on soil and plant life.

Penofin Pro-tech brightenerPenofinreg-mark Pro-​Tech Bright­ener
Anni­hi­lates tough tan­nin stains and water­marks on all types of wood deck­ing, sid­ing, and fences; removes mill glaze. Re-​establishes the pH bal­ance of your wood after clean­ing and bright­ens gray weath­ered wood to bring back that mill-​bright color.

• The hard­wood helper.
• Restores wood to mill bright appear­ance.
• Reduces mill glaze for bet­ter pen­e­tra­tion.
• Removes the gray.
• Pre­pares hard­wood for finishing.

Thou­sands of home­own­ers and pro­fes­sional con­trac­tors rely on Penofin for the ulti­mate in wood care, and the con­tin­u­ing cus­tomer delight that using the best fin­ish can bring. Penofin not only gives the high­est qual­ity choice for wood fin­ish but also the best for­mula in the industry.


For more infor­ma­tion on Penofin and all their prod­ucts, please visit their web­site at www​.penofin​.com.