
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years

Wonder-Tones PPG Paints

Wonder-​Tones™ is our most pop­u­lar and ver­sa­tile inte­rior paint. Wonder-​Tones is a high-​quality, vinyl acrylic latex, low VOC/​low odor, paint and primer in one paint that pro­vides a more wash­able and durable fin­ish than con­ven­tional latex paint.

It is stain and scrub resis­tant, offers excel­lent uni­for­mity with great hid­ing and cov­er­age, and pro­vides supe­rior touch-​up. Wonder-​Tones loves color and is for­mu­lated to give you a long-​lasting and beau­ti­ful fin­ish. It can be used on mul­ti­ple inte­rior sur­faces, includ­ing walls, trim, prop­erly pre­pared dry­wall, plas­ter, masonry, primed metal and wood, on new or pre­vi­ously painted res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial, and insti­tu­tional walls and ceilings.

Wonder-​Tones paint is a pre­ferred prod­uct of many pro­fes­sional painters, DIY’ers, build­ing con­trac­tors, inte­rior dec­o­ra­tors, archi­tects, build­ing man­agers and homeowners

Avail­able in quarts, gal­lons and pails in Flat, Ceramic Matte, Eggshell, Satin and Semi-​Gloss. (Not all prod­ucts are avail­able in all sizes).

Our best qual­ity latex flat wall and ceil­ing paint. Pro­vides excel­lent touch-​up, cov­er­age and appli­ca­tion prop­er­ties, and is ideal for use on inte­rior walls and ceil­ings where a durable flat fin­ish is required. May be used over prop­erly pre­pared drywall, plas­ter, masonry, primed metal and wood in offices, schools, hos­pi­tals, insti­tu­tions, res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial buildings.

Key Ben­e­fits:

  • Durable, matte flat finish.
  • Supe­rior touch-​up.
  • High hid­ing.
  • Highly wash­able.
  • Low VOC/​Low Odor.

This ceramic matte cre­ates a smooth and durable stain-​resistant fin­ish that holds stains on the sur­face for easy removal. It has great scruba­bil­ity and bur­nish resis­tance, hides wall imper­fec­tions and gives color rich­ness and depth. May be used over properly pre­pared drywall, plaster, masonry, primed metal and wood in offices, schools, hos­pi­tals, insti­tu­tions, res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial buildings.

Key Ben­e­fits:

  • Durable, ceramic flat finish.
  • Excel­lent touch-​up.
  • Great hid­ing and coverage.
  • Highly washable and scrub resistant.
  • Excel­lent uniformity.
  • Low VOC/​Low Odor.

Wonder-​Tones eggshell is our most pop­u­lar and best qual­ity inte­rior paint. It can be used on inte­rior walls, trim, ceil­ings, and doors. The low lus­ter sheen min­i­mizes imper­fec­tions and yet pro­vides a more wash­able and durable fin­ish than con­ven­tional latex wall paints. Pro­vides excel­lent touch up, cov­er­age and appli­ca­tion prop­er­ties. May be used over prop­erly pre­pared dry­wall, plas­ter, masonry, primed metal and wood in offices, schools, hos­pi­tals, insti­tu­tions, resi-​dential and com­mer­cial buildings.

Key Ben­e­fits:

  • Durable, eggshell finish.
  • Supe­rior touch-​up.
  • Great high hid­ing and coverage.
  • Washes beau­ti­fully and scrub resistant.
  • Stain resis­tant.
  • Low VOC/​Low Odor.

Our best qual­ity latex satin acrylic enamel is for use on interior walls, trim and doors. It is a highly scrub­bable, stain resis­tant paint. Ideal for hard usage areas such as kitchens, bath­rooms and cor­ri­dors. May be used over prop­erly pre­pared dry­wall, plas­ter, masonry, primed metal and wood in offices, schools, hos­pi­tals, insti­tu­tions, res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial buildings.

Key Ben­e­fits:

  • Durable, satin finish.
  • Excel­lent touchup.
  • High hid­ing.
  • Washes beau­ti­fully.
  • Scrub & Bur­nish resistant.
  • Low VOC/​Low Odor.

This high-​quality semi-​gloss latex enamel can be used on mul­ti­ple sur­faces, includ­ing walls, trim and doors. It is Ideal for hard usage areas such as kitchens, bath­rooms and cor­ri­dors. May be used over prop­erly pre­pared dry­wall, plas­ter, masonry, primed metal and wood in offices, schools, hos­pi­tals, insti­tu­tions, res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial build­ings. Meets Mas­ter Painters Insti­tute #54 specifications.

Key Ben­e­fits:

  • Durable, semi-​gloss finish.
  • Excel­lent touchup.
  • Highly wash­able.
  • High hid­ing.
  • Scrub resis­tant.
  • Low VOC/​Low Odor.

Ceramic Matte
