UGL Drylock Masonry WaterprooferUGL (United Gilsonite Lab­o­ra­to­ries) has come along way since 1932 and they are now man­u­fac­tur­ing over 80 paint spe­cialty and home main­te­nance prod­ucts. DRY­LOK Masonry Water­proofer is guar­an­teed to stop water — even under pres­sure. ugl drylock masonry waterproofer foundationDRY­LOK Masonry Water­proofer is Amer­ica ‘s most ver­sa­tile masonry water­proof­ing paint. It is spe­cially for­mu­lated for inte­rior or exte­rior, new or old con­crete, above or below grade masonry sur­faces, includ­ing swim­ming pools, garages, water foun­tains, retain­ing walls,basements fish ponds, bird­baths, cin­der and con­crete blocks, stucco and brick.

UGL Drylock Extreme Masonry Waterproofer

DRY­LOKreg-mark Extreme

This smooth water­proof paint is per­fect for the most demand­ing con­di­tions. Ideal for inte­rior, exte­rior, above or below grade masonry walls, base­ment walls, retain­ing walls, foun­da­tions, land­scape walls, cin­der blocks, con­crete blocks, bare con­crete swim­ming pools, stucco and brick.

Is spe­cially for­mu­lated to resist mildew growth, is pro­tected with ISPC lean­guard™ bio­cide, has a breath­able film, and stops 15 psi (greater than a wall of water 33 feet high).

Fea­tures a fully trans­fer­able 15 year war­ranty and is cer­ti­fied by Coat­ings Research Group, Inc. to meet or exceed the VOC require­ments estab­lished by Green Seal GS-​11.

This low odor paint can be eas­ily applied with a roller and/​or a brush and even though it is a bright white, we can tint to light-​medium tone colors.

Drylock masonry waterproofer latex base

DRY­LOKreg-mark Latex Base

Orig­i­nal DRY­LOK Latex Base Masonry Water­proofer is the most eco­nom­i­cal of the DRY­LOKreg-mark formulas.

Latex Base DRY­LOKreg-mark is a low odor, water clean-​up for­mula for water­proof­ing all inte­rior, exte­rior, above or below grade masonry walls, cin­der and con­crete blocks, stucco, brick, retain­ing walls, base­ments, and foun­da­tion. No pre-​mixing or pre-​wetting is necessary.

Its breath­able film does not trap mois­ture in masonry, and with­stands 10 pounds of hydro­sta­tic pres­sure, greater than a wall of water 22 feet high!

DRY­LOK latex base is avail­able in ready-​mixed col­ors and can also be tinted. Fea­tures a fully trans­fer­able 10 year war­ranty, and is top rated by a lead­ing inde­pen­dent con­sumer rat­ings publication.


For more info on, go to www​.ugl​.com