Cetol Door Window PPG Proluxe

CETOL® DOOR & WIN­DOW is a high-​performance fin­ish for spe­cialty appli­ca­tions such as exte­rior doors, win­dows, garage doors and fiber­glass doors. This high-​solids alkyd-​oil for­mula offers opti­mum pro­tec­tion and a look to enhance the beauty of any home.

Door & Win­dow is a 3-​coat appli­ca­tion and is spe­cially for­mu­lated to pro­tect wood as it expands and con­tracts from chang­ing cli­mates and dif­fer­ent tem­per­a­tures between indoors and out. This prod­uct pro­vides a durable bar­rier against weath­er­ing and remains flex­i­ble (unlike var­nishes and polyurethanes) to min­i­mize blis­ter­ing and cracking.

Avail­able in clear satin and gloss and in four satin ready-​mix colors:



Door-&-Window-2 Door-&-Window-Nat Door-&-Window-Natural-1 DOOR-&-WINDOW ProLuxe---Front-Door Sikkens-Door-&-Window Sikkens-Garage-Door-SRD-Mahogany Sikkens-Garage-Doors