ACRI-HUES Dunn-Edwards

ACRI-​HUES® is a line of pro­fes­sional, ultra-​low VOC/​very low odor, acrylic paints that pro­vide depend­able per­for­mance, very good dura­bil­ity, adhe­sion and hide. Acri-​Hues can be used at sur­face and air tem­per­a­tures down to 35ºF, applies eas­ily and dries fast to a smooth, uni­form finish.

It can be used on prop­erly pre­pared and primed masonry, con­crete block, tilt-​up, stucco, and metal, and as a solid color stain on new or pre­vi­ously painted rough-​sawn wood. It is avail­able in Flat, Eggshell and Semi-​Gloss.


DE-Parisian-Night-front-door Grey-Exterior green-hour-garage-doors Taupe RUST EXTERIOR taupe exterior cropped Spanish-Green Exterior-Grey